Grow Yours Winter Update


Lots going on at Grow Yours at the moment! We’re introducing a bunch of new seed varieties in the near future that we’re sure you’ll be excited about, plus we’re working on an update to our seed packets too.

We’ve had lots of wonderful feedback about our seed packets so don’t worry we won’t be changing their distinct appearance too much, just improving them in a few ways which will be much better going forward.

Freshly grown Peas

We look forward to introducing these to you as soon as we can but in the meantime we’re working with what stock we have on hand so please bear with us. We hoped to have our new seed packets available already however it’s been a bit of a slow journey, but we’re getting there!

When our new seed packets are ready to go we’ll do another post to tell you more about them, but for now please be understanding while we’re still utilising our existing pouch stock (this may look different to what you received previously as we’ve trialed two key suppliers in recent times).

Changes to our prices from 1st July 2021

Thank you again for all of your support. Without you we couldn’t continue to grow our seed catalogue and supply premium quality heirloom vegetable and herb seeds. We’re committed to providing you with the best service we can now and for the future, and as we scale up our business it’s important that we keep up with our investment in enhancing our products and service, and increased costs such as freight – which is going up again on 1st July too.

From 1st July 2021 the price of our seed packets, urban delivery fee, and our free shipping offer will increase to the following:

- Home Garden $3.30

- Food Forest $8.50

- Urban Delivery $4

- Free Shipping offer for orders $40+

Please note that for now our rural delivery fee will remain unchanged at $6.

We don’t take this step lightly and won’t be putting our prices up again in a hurry, but we believe this is in the best interests of both our customers and Grow Yours, to ensure we can continue to provide you with the best service we can. We trust you’ll understand this is a necessary step in our development as a company and will join us on our journey onwards and upwards.

Fresh Kale from the Garden

Save 10% until July 7th

To help smooth this news we’re offering 10% off all of our products for the next two weeks until July 7th at midnight – to claim your 10% off enter the code WINTER2021 at checkout!

This saving applies to every variety in our seed catalogue, however any shipping fees are excluded from this promotion (our free shipping offer still applies).

So remember to enter the code WINTER2021 at checkout when you make a purchase between now and July 7th 2021!

New Seed Varieties

New seed varieties available at Grow Yours now include Broccoli de Cicco, Cabbage Copenhagen Market, Carrot Tendersweet and Radish Purple Plum.

Broccoli 'de Cicco'

A long standing heirloom renowned for its cut and grow sideshoots which appear after the 8cm-10cm main crown has been cut. This popular broccoli variety travelled the world with Italian immigrants in the late 1800’s.

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Broccoli de Cicco main heads

Cabbage 'Copenhagen Market'

A quick to mature Cabbage with excellent flavour that’s adaptable to a range of climates. It forms round, solid green heads with white centres that are said to resist splitting better than any other variety.

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Cabbage Copenhagen Market homegrown from seeds

Carrot 'Tendersweet'

A coreless and delicious long thin Carrot variety with light orange colour. As the name implies this carrot is tender and sweet. Eaten fresh you won’t find a better carrot for use year round.

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Carrot Tendersweet

Radish 'Purple Plum'

Offers tasty crisp white flesh with stunning deep purple skin. They are sweet and mildly spicy, and very rarely get pithy. They're quick growing and more heat tolerant than most radishes, producing beautiful medium sized round roots that are best enjoyed when 2.5cm to 5cm in diameter.

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Radish Purple Plum seeds

We look forward to sharing more exciting new seed varieties with you soon.

Happy growing!

The Grow Yours Team